Monday, November 16, 2009

Heidi updates

*Heidi has been doing very well. Growing like a weed!
*She has been sitting up, with a little less assistance everyday, for quite some time now. I think she prefers that to lying on her back.
*She is still working on rolling over. I think it's true, her chubbiness has gotten in the way of a successful roll over from back to tummy. She did have a few roll overs this past week. Her first was at her friend Cody's house. The other 2 were at home with daddy. She's getting there.
*Pushing up.....nope.
*Standing.....assisted, yes!
In due time, she will master those as well.
*She is doing a great job with eating her pureed fruits and veggies. I attempted cooking and pureeing some myself. It was pretty easy and has saved us some money!! So needless to say, our freezer is full of baggies labeled with what every little frozen ice cubed veggies that's inside. Her favorites so far are bananas, apples, sweet potatoes and squash. She prefers g.beans over peas any day!! She is such a funny eater. Talks, coos and hums the entire meal. I'll have Mike throw some videos up on here so you can watch. It's so funny!!
*She has her 6 month appointment today. I think today will involve 4 shots again. Dang, when will her poor little chubber legs catch a break?? It will be interesting to see where all of her measurements are. She is currently in 6-9 month and 9 month clothes. It is so fun dressing her in all of her cute outfits.
*She still loves Sesame Street. Watches it everyday. Mama and Daddy can't get enough!@#*$?
*We took her out to the dog park last week. We didn't know what her reaction would be with all the dogs and noise. She absolutely LOVED it. She laughed and laughed! It was so fun and such a relief to see her having a good time. With Mama working at a vet's office, animals are sure to be a part of our lives for a long, long time. She just loves her Libby kitty and Zoey pup.
*She is still sleeping through the night like a champ. She goes to bed around 8:00 and sleeps until 6:30ish. Takes a few good cat naps throughout the day too.


Melanie said...

You have one good little girl on your hands. You're so blessed!