Saturday, January 2, 2010


HAPPY 2010!!!!

*I had the best Christmas a kid could ever have. I spend time with both sides of my family. I enjoyed seeing all of my cousins, aunties and uncles, and my grandparents. I got the neatest toys, some really cute clothes and lots of lovin'!

*I have 2 teeth now. I use them to help chomp up my favorite yogurt puffs.
Now that I have them, Mama thought it was a perfect time to introduce me to brushing. I love my Eeyore toothbrush. (Thanks Auntie and Unckie) I love to squeak it on my teeth.

*I am on the move much as I can. I am rolling around still, sitting as good as ever, pushing my tummy up off the floor and swaying back and forth on my knees and hands. It won't be long before I will be crawling and pulling myself up to stand.

*I'm starting to notice when Mama and Daddy leave the room. I'm not quite sure what to think of it yet, but I know I don't like it especially when I am tired.

*Mama and I are starting a new ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) classes next Tues. We're not sure what to expect, but we'll keep you updated. The classes run through mid-March. I think it will help with "cabin fever"!!

*I had Macaroni and Cheese for the first time over Christmas break. I loved it!!! I also tried re-fried beans today. They were very yummy!!

*Mama and Daddy got me a new toddler car seat. It is very comfy. I have more room now and don't need to be carried around in my car seat.

*Speaking of that, I rode in a cart for the first time over Christmas break too. I got to see FleetFarm in a whole different way, I loved it. Oh the freedom!