Friday, March 19, 2010

Heidi Update

It's been awhile since I've posted a Heidi update.
She is 10 months old now, hard to believe since I remember bringing her home from the hospital last week.
Here we go:

*She had her 9 month appointment this last Monday. She weighs 22 # 15 oz. and is 28 1/4 inch long. She got one vaccine and some blood squeezed out of her toe. She did very well with some crying of course. Next visit is her 1 year. *tear*
*She is walking with support now. She gets around and to and from furniture pretty well. She pulls herself up onto everything she can. She wants to walk sooooo bad.
*She is feeding herself, which is quite the messy job. Tonight was cottage cheese with peach chunks.
*She has been practicing drinking from a regular cup in the bathtub during bath time. She's getting the hang of it and it's funny to watch her. She giggles when the cool water rolls down her tummy.
*She likes to crawl around with her stackable rings on her hands. She loves the noise they make as they clank on the wood floors.
*She loves organizing and reorganizing her sock basket. She looks each pair over very carefully. Those she doesn't like, get whipped out and onto the floor.
*She finished up her ECFE classes this last Tuesday. We learned lots of new songs, played with new toys and books and made some new friends. She really enjoyed going to class.
*She's crawling up the stairs. Watch out!!
*She loves our walks with Zoey in the evening. She gets a kick out of watching Zoey.
*She babbles and makes funny noises with her mouth and nose. Snorts, growls, breathing heavy exhales through her nostrils, clicking her tongue, popping her lips and screaming high pitched squeals! Our favorite!!

We're looking forward to family pictures this sunday, more warm weather, Grandma and Grandpa Boehnlein's visit in April and accomplishing her first steps. More pictures to follow. Thanks for tuning in!

March 19, 2010