I'm not sure what it is like with other infants but when Heidi poops she really gives that diaper an aerobic work out. I'm almost afraid to change her after I hear the fartsies. Case in point this morning. I hear a few good farts coming from her buttocks area and can smell it seconds later. This to me indicates that it is time for a diaper change. I place little Miss Heidi on the changing table to begin my operation. I remove the diaper and DAMN this kid can poop! Green sludge everywhere! I grab my tools of the trade AKA wipes and a new diaper. As I have the diaper off thinking that no more poop could possibly come out of this child, a fart shoots poo a foot across the changing table. Awesome. She also took out the diaper I was about to change her into. Other diaper changing shenanigans is when I am changing a poop and then she decides it is time to pee. A little fountain of urine flowing all over the place. Oh the joy of infants.
This is what I think is going on in her diaper, click HERE.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
New Best Friend
I would like to introduce everyone to our new best friend, Target. In the past week we have strolled into Target 6 times! $40 here, $60 there, $5 somewhere, $95 not sure where. This shopping establishment is like crack for newbie families, once you start you just can't stop. What makes it even worse is that our dealer (Target) is only 1 block way. This addiction will only escalated as time goes by.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Last Night
Last night or should I say early this morning was a rough one for little Heidi, Mommy and Daddy. Starting at midnight until 4am Heidi could not settle down. We tried feeding and that helped only temporally. We tried swaddling, again only helped temporally. Then finally we figured that little Miss Heidi had an upset tummy. You could hear her tummy rumbling all day and she was even farting (stinky!). She had not released a dookie since the blow out 36 hrs prior. We gave her a half of a suppository to help the dookie work it's way out. 1 hour later and it was Poo-Fest '09 part Duex. We are going to switch her supplement formula to something a little more gentle on her tum-tum. It was a nice 2 ½ hour power nap last night.
Thank You!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hi All! I have opened up the comments section to everyone so you do not need to be a blogger member. Hopefully there will not be too much blog spam.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Puppy Is Back
It's Official...
We have just witnessed the blow out of the century. Like a giant poop volcano that has been brewing since Saturday night. 2 car seat neck supports terminated, 1 outfit terminated, 1 hospital swaddling blanket terminated and Heidi smeared with poo. On the other hand we are relieved that this bowel movement has finally arrived.
Little Star
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good Day
It was a good day today. Heidi had her check up at the pediatrician and everything seems to be OK. Her weight was back up to 6lb 8oz and she was a little champ throughout the check up including that mean ole' blood draw for the biliruben. She had her first bath since being in the hospital which went great. No one likes a stinky baby.
Heidi would like to thank Grandma N. for helping out Mommy and Daddy when we were in the hospital. Also thank you to Auntie Suzie and Unkie Jason for the decorations to the house and the meals for Mommy and Daddy.

Heidi would like to thank Grandma N. for helping out Mommy and Daddy when we were in the hospital. Also thank you to Auntie Suzie and Unkie Jason for the decorations to the house and the meals for Mommy and Daddy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Some E.R. Action
We noticed that Heidi was not peeing as much as she should. There were large time gaps between pees so we thought something might be wrong. We contacted our on call Pediatrician and they recommended that be bring Heidi to the E.R., so off to the hospital we go. As if we didn't get enough hospital time in the last week. It turns out that Heidi's biliruben has increased and she has lost more weight. Luckily not enough to hang out under the the bili light. We have an appointment tomorrow with her Pediatrician. In the mean time we will have to keep her good and fed with some breast milk and formula.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Going Home
We will be discharged in a few hours from the hospital. Last night little Miss Heidi was not very happy. She would feed and feed but her little tummy would not get full so we had to give her a little cup of formula. After that it was lights out for 3 hours which gave Mommy and Daddy some time to sleep.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Birthing Story
Heidi and Mommy are napping so I'll take some time to write about our birthing story.
10 am on Tuesday (due date) Aimee had her weekly check up at the OB/GYN and the Doctor didn't notice anything was really progressing. We actually scheduled Aimee to be induced on the 19th. Aimee was experience some contractions throughout the night before but they were very weak and she was able to sleep through them. She figured that they were just Braxton Hicks contractions. After that we ran some errands and got home around noon.
A little after noon Aimee had some stronger contractions that were 8-10 minutes apart. Not super strong contractions as she was able to walk and talk through them. We monitored them until we noticed that they were 3-5 minutes apart so we decided to call the OB/GYN clinic at 3PM. They contacted the hospital to expect our arrival.
We arrived at 3:30PM and Aimee was only dilated to 1cm. I was worried that they were going to send us home. They told us to walk around and for the next hour, so we wondered the halls as Aimee was having heavier contractions every 3-4 minutes. When they next checked her she was dilated to 3cm and we were very relieved. The staff got Aimee all settled in her bed and setup with an IV and other medical goodies like a monitor for Heidi's heartbeat, monitor for the strength of the contractions and I'm sure some other stuff I know nothing about.
At around 7PM the contractions were so strong that it was time for the epidural. Thank you for whomever invented this procedure and drug! From a pain scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, Aimee was in the 7-8 range. After the epidural kicked in the pain settled down to a 1 or 2. We could monitor the contractions on the screen but all Aimee could feel was a little pressure. For the next few hours Aimee was able to relax as the nurse monitored everything.
Around midnight the pushing began. As we watched the contractions escalate on the monitor Aimee began a set of 3 hard pushes lasting 10 seconds each. She pushed and pushed for over an hour but there was no progress and the nurse noticed that Heidi's heart rate was fluctuating between contractions. It was decided by the Doctor to do an emergency Caesarean section.
It was a little nerve racking to say the least knowing that Aimee had to have this surgery. I suited up in some scrubs and walked with Aimee to the operating room. While they prepped her for surgery I had to sit in the waiting room. It was 15 minutes before the nurse escorted me into the O.R. Aimee was laid out like a cross on the table with a blue operating skirt hung up so Aimee and I could not see the operation and also to keep the surgical area sterile. After a couple minutes they pulled little Heidi from Aimee's belly. Heidi was all purple as they brought her to the table to clean her off and warm her up. I got to cut her little umbilical cord. I came back up to the labor room with Heidi and the nurse after she was born. Grandma and Grandpa Nordmeyer got to soak up some Heidi time before Aimee came back up. 1 hour later we moved from Labor & Delivery to Post Labor & Delivery.
We have been really happy with the Fairview Ridge's staff and facilities, no complaints here. The rest is history. We are happy to share Heidi's birthday with our niece, Laynie, who turned 4 years old the same day, May 13th. Nothing like a little cousin as a birthday gift. "Isn't she wonderful?" was Laynie's response after meeting Heidi.
10 am on Tuesday (due date) Aimee had her weekly check up at the OB/GYN and the Doctor didn't notice anything was really progressing. We actually scheduled Aimee to be induced on the 19th. Aimee was experience some contractions throughout the night before but they were very weak and she was able to sleep through them. She figured that they were just Braxton Hicks contractions. After that we ran some errands and got home around noon.
A little after noon Aimee had some stronger contractions that were 8-10 minutes apart. Not super strong contractions as she was able to walk and talk through them. We monitored them until we noticed that they were 3-5 minutes apart so we decided to call the OB/GYN clinic at 3PM. They contacted the hospital to expect our arrival.
We arrived at 3:30PM and Aimee was only dilated to 1cm. I was worried that they were going to send us home. They told us to walk around and for the next hour, so we wondered the halls as Aimee was having heavier contractions every 3-4 minutes. When they next checked her she was dilated to 3cm and we were very relieved. The staff got Aimee all settled in her bed and setup with an IV and other medical goodies like a monitor for Heidi's heartbeat, monitor for the strength of the contractions and I'm sure some other stuff I know nothing about.
At around 7PM the contractions were so strong that it was time for the epidural. Thank you for whomever invented this procedure and drug! From a pain scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, Aimee was in the 7-8 range. After the epidural kicked in the pain settled down to a 1 or 2. We could monitor the contractions on the screen but all Aimee could feel was a little pressure. For the next few hours Aimee was able to relax as the nurse monitored everything.
Around midnight the pushing began. As we watched the contractions escalate on the monitor Aimee began a set of 3 hard pushes lasting 10 seconds each. She pushed and pushed for over an hour but there was no progress and the nurse noticed that Heidi's heart rate was fluctuating between contractions. It was decided by the Doctor to do an emergency Caesarean section.
It was a little nerve racking to say the least knowing that Aimee had to have this surgery. I suited up in some scrubs and walked with Aimee to the operating room. While they prepped her for surgery I had to sit in the waiting room. It was 15 minutes before the nurse escorted me into the O.R. Aimee was laid out like a cross on the table with a blue operating skirt hung up so Aimee and I could not see the operation and also to keep the surgical area sterile. After a couple minutes they pulled little Heidi from Aimee's belly. Heidi was all purple as they brought her to the table to clean her off and warm her up. I got to cut her little umbilical cord. I came back up to the labor room with Heidi and the nurse after she was born. Grandma and Grandpa Nordmeyer got to soak up some Heidi time before Aimee came back up. 1 hour later we moved from Labor & Delivery to Post Labor & Delivery.
We have been really happy with the Fairview Ridge's staff and facilities, no complaints here. The rest is history. We are happy to share Heidi's birthday with our niece, Laynie, who turned 4 years old the same day, May 13th. Nothing like a little cousin as a birthday gift. "Isn't she wonderful?" was Laynie's response after meeting Heidi.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Heidi Breanne Boehnlein
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