Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heidi's First Hike

Aimee, Heidi and I went down to Big Woods State Park for a little hike to hidden falls today. You can see all of the pictures HERE.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Playing Around

I'm just kickin' it with my Baby Einstein homiez. I like all of da moo's, quackzzzz, RaaRRRaaRRz and ruffffffzzzz it makes. This is how I roll, baby style.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 Months Old!!

I'm 3 Months old today!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm Growing So Fast

Don't blink...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heidi Facts

Hi everyone!!

We wanted to update you on a few things about our little Miss Heidi.

She went in for her 2 month appointment a couple weeks ago. She weighed in at a surprising 13.5#. The nurse said, "well it looks like you found a formula she likes!" She's come along way since her wee little 6# 2oz dip from her birth weight of 7# 4oz.

She measured at 23" and her head was 15.5". Not exactly the measurement of a Nordmeyer head I thought she would have.

She has been cooing and talking up a storm for quite some time now. It is so cute, the conversations that we have. She raves at my singing abilities and loves the song "head, shoulders, knees and toes".

She's happy to strike a smile at anyone who admires her. And who wouldn't? Those big, blue eyes would put anybody in a trance!

Since she was about 1 month old, she has been practicing holding her head up. She's pretty darn good at it now. She's sitting in her exersaucer and her bumbo seat, and takes in all of her surroundings.

Zoey just loves kissing her, and Heidi doesn't seem to mind the wet doggy kisses. Libby gets in on the baby lovin' too. Mike found her this morning, by the sound of her purr, on Heidi's monitor, which is positioned IN her crib on the mattress. Nothing's better than cuddling with your meow meow!!

Heidi's first camping trip is this coming weekend. We're heading up north to the state park by Lake Milacs. We're staying in a camping cabin not a tent. We'll take plenty of pictures and update the blog when we get back.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pretty Little Blue Jean Dress

Saturday, August 1, 2009
