Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Heidi update

Our little Miss Heidi Bear had her one year appointment last week.
Her current stats are:
weight: 27.1# (98%)
height: 31.3 inches (94%)
head: 18.5 inches (90-91%)
She received 4 shots at her appointment and did great, with a little crying of course.
She is walking ALL THE TIME now!! She just loves her new found freedom. We got her a pair of Teva sandals (perfect for wide little feet) and you can tell she has already worn them in.
She is still mastering the craft of eating with a spoon and fork. We just got her some suction cup-like bowls to practice out of too. This morning's oatmeal stayed put, not by the approval of Zoey though.
She only gets the bottle now at nap and before bed. So far, I don't think she minds. She drinks well out of a sippy cup and practices with her regular cup in the tub.
Her hair is still blonde and growing like a weed. No haircuts for now, sorry Auntie, we need to get some length first!!
She still only has 5 teeth, but it looks like a little one will be popping through on top here any day now. She is still great at brushing her teeth, thank goodness!
She talks and sings, dances to music, claps and taps beats on anything she can find. She seems to be very music motivated. Loves to watch singers/dancers on TV. She hums to herself when she eats and when she's falling to sleep.
The only words she says right now are her forms of "tickle tickle" "ma ma ma" "no no no" and "bop". She also signs willingly too. More, milk, eat are common signs. We work on everything all the time, not knowing when she will whip it out and use it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Pool Fun
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