Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Heidi's Updates

Helping mommy make cookies. She did a great job rolling the dough into balls. She loves helping out in the kitchen, even if it's just licking the spoon!

Trying to jump up and catch the leaves. She loves the little "helicopter" seeds off the maple tree. She has a wagon full of them.

Playing at the park by Grandma and Papa's house. I thought she would be excited to play with sand toys in the sand, but instead she was super duper excited about all the white dandelions in the field.

We enrolled Heidi in a program at church called FMO (friday mornings out) It's a weekly class she goes to on friday mornings from 9:30 to 12:30. They do games, read, crafts, snack, playtime and sing/dance. She loves it. She always brings home a craft of some sort to hang on the fridge that she is so proud of. She reminds us that at school, "everybody crying, miss mommy and daddy, change a diaper" Every week we get a good report from the teachers that Heidi did a great job and had a good day at school. She even has her first backpack that she wears to and from school, it has a cute little kitty on it.

Over the summer, Heidi got a scooter from cousin, Laynie. She loves to scoot around the sidewalk and driveway on it. It also has a neat, little Dora bag on the front to hold little knicks knacks and whatnots.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Heidi's August

Heidi has done a lot of playing out in the yard with her swimming pool and water table this summer. She loves to be outside. We've had lunch and dinner picnics too.

This cow was at the Dakota County Fair. Heidi loved the fair with all of the rides, yummy food and animals.

She even got to see baby chickens being born. She kept yelling out, "EGGS, CHICKEN!"

This was her little beetle friend. She thought he was really neat and like to watch him walk around in circles on the cup. But she did NOT like it when he got off the cup and started walking towards her.

Looking at more baby chickens at the zoo.

She got to comb a goat. She didn't mind them at all. Of course, they were in the little one's face looking for food. I think she's used to that with Zoey.

Playing in the bone yard sandbox at the zoo.

Aidan and Heidi screaming at the grizzly bears to, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Update on Yappy McYapperson
Yappy is our nickname for Heidi now a days. She is such a chatterbox. Lots to say, all the time. It's just amazing listening to her and all the things she picks up on.

This is by far the best 2 year old picture ever!
Swimming goggles, a tutu and to top it off, rain boots on the wrong feet.
We'll probably whip this out when she's introducing us to her 1st boyfriend.
The following pictures are of the carnival we took the girls to over the 4th of July weekend. The carnival was part of Apple Valley's Freedom Days.

She was not so sure about this rickety old carousal ride. By the 4th time around, she was in Mike's arms. At that point, she seemed to like it.

Here she is bustin' a move with some other little ones at the Kiddy DJ music pavilion.

Here comes Heidi to the fire rescue!

Best ride EVER!! We paid double tickets for her to keep sliding down this huge inflatable slide. There were 2 slides with a ladder in the middle. It took her a few times to get it, but after that she kept going and going and going. It was fun to watch her have fun!!

This is by far the best 2 year old picture ever!
Swimming goggles, a tutu and to top it off, rain boots on the wrong feet.
We'll probably whip this out when she's introducing us to her 1st boyfriend.
The following pictures are of the carnival we took the girls to over the 4th of July weekend. The carnival was part of Apple Valley's Freedom Days.

She was not so sure about this rickety old carousal ride. By the 4th time around, she was in Mike's arms. At that point, she seemed to like it.

Here she is bustin' a move with some other little ones at the Kiddy DJ music pavilion.

Here comes Heidi to the fire rescue!

Best ride EVER!! We paid double tickets for her to keep sliding down this huge inflatable slide. There were 2 slides with a ladder in the middle. It took her a few times to get it, but after that she kept going and going and going. It was fun to watch her have fun!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Heidi's May
Miss Heidi had a fun filled May. It is her birthday month after all.
She has grown so much, it's fun to look back a year (and my how that year flew by) to see the differences.

This is her new bike and helmet we got her for her 2nd birthday. We couldn't wait until her birthday on the 13th to give it to her. She loves it and rides it almost everyday. It's a strider bike that is designed to help her learn balance by walking at first then running into a sit and glide. Once she does and gets a little bit older, she can go straight to a big girl bike without training wheels.
She has quite the vocabulary now and is so smart. Her most common phrases are: "what doing mommy/daddy?" "Hannah crying" "Go to park/beach" "Daddy bike" "No Zoey, off!" "The moon up in the sky" "Heidi's house"
She's a great imitator, she's already a pro at pretending (ie: talking on the phone, being a mommy, cooking, etc..) and repeats almost everything she hears (so mommy and daddy have to be careful)!!
She can count up to 20, her teens tend to be smooshed together as one big somethingteen, but once she hits 20 it's "yeah!! *clap hands* yeah!!"
She knows most of her letters, shapes, colors and body parts.
She loves to sing and dance and just loves to read. Her current favorite is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Since turning 2 she has heavily discovered her nose and loves to pick it. She has also found a new way to express herself by hitting and kicking. She also has one heck of an arm when it comes to throwing things. Watch out Hannah!!
We have taken a break from potty training. She is still very interested but was refusing when we would take her, and we didn't want it to be negative experience. So we will revisit this again here in the next month or so when *she's* ready!
We threw her a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party. She had a lot of fun with her friends and family. Her and Hannah were dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

MMMM....raspberry filled cake!

Sitting at the little table with Wyatt, Laynie and Cody.

Hannah as Thing 2 with Auntie Suzie.

Trying out and loving Cody's tricycle.
At the end of the month, we took a mini vacation with my family up in Cohasset, MN on Big Bass Lake at a resort called Hidden Haven. This is our second year up there. We really have a blast and they kids love the time they share together.
Heidi was a good girl, but did not understand the rules behind sleep overs. We tried to have all the kids (minus Hannah) in the same room for sleeping. Yeah, she's still too little. She would get out of bed and wander, which made the others think they could do the same. Maybe next year!

Feather boa to go with her tutu.

Blowing out the candle on their brownie cupcakes!

Little Mermaid kick board from Mama and Papa.

Going kayaking. She really loved riding in this. I would pull her along the shoreline. She didn't even mind going far from shore for a little ride.

Playing air hockey with Wyatt.
She recently had her 2 year check up and did pretty well. Only one shot, which she was a trooper for. Now her vision test, that's another story. She wanted nothing to do with the sticker probes they wanted to put on her head.
Current stats:
Height- 36.5 inches
Weight- 34#
According to the height predictor, she will be 5'11" when she is 18 years old!!
She has grown so much, it's fun to look back a year (and my how that year flew by) to see the differences.

This is her new bike and helmet we got her for her 2nd birthday. We couldn't wait until her birthday on the 13th to give it to her. She loves it and rides it almost everyday. It's a strider bike that is designed to help her learn balance by walking at first then running into a sit and glide. Once she does and gets a little bit older, she can go straight to a big girl bike without training wheels.
She has quite the vocabulary now and is so smart. Her most common phrases are: "what doing mommy/daddy?" "Hannah crying" "Go to park/beach" "Daddy bike" "No Zoey, off!" "The moon up in the sky" "Heidi's house"
She's a great imitator, she's already a pro at pretending (ie: talking on the phone, being a mommy, cooking, etc..) and repeats almost everything she hears (so mommy and daddy have to be careful)!!
She can count up to 20, her teens tend to be smooshed together as one big somethingteen, but once she hits 20 it's "yeah!! *clap hands* yeah!!"
She knows most of her letters, shapes, colors and body parts.
She loves to sing and dance and just loves to read. Her current favorite is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
Since turning 2 she has heavily discovered her nose and loves to pick it. She has also found a new way to express herself by hitting and kicking. She also has one heck of an arm when it comes to throwing things. Watch out Hannah!!
We have taken a break from potty training. She is still very interested but was refusing when we would take her, and we didn't want it to be negative experience. So we will revisit this again here in the next month or so when *she's* ready!
We threw her a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party. She had a lot of fun with her friends and family. Her and Hannah were dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

MMMM....raspberry filled cake!

Sitting at the little table with Wyatt, Laynie and Cody.

Hannah as Thing 2 with Auntie Suzie.

Trying out and loving Cody's tricycle.
At the end of the month, we took a mini vacation with my family up in Cohasset, MN on Big Bass Lake at a resort called Hidden Haven. This is our second year up there. We really have a blast and they kids love the time they share together.
Heidi was a good girl, but did not understand the rules behind sleep overs. We tried to have all the kids (minus Hannah) in the same room for sleeping. Yeah, she's still too little. She would get out of bed and wander, which made the others think they could do the same. Maybe next year!

Feather boa to go with her tutu.

Blowing out the candle on their brownie cupcakes!

Little Mermaid kick board from Mama and Papa.

Going kayaking. She really loved riding in this. I would pull her along the shoreline. She didn't even mind going far from shore for a little ride.

Playing air hockey with Wyatt.
She recently had her 2 year check up and did pretty well. Only one shot, which she was a trooper for. Now her vision test, that's another story. She wanted nothing to do with the sticker probes they wanted to put on her head.
Current stats:
Height- 36.5 inches
Weight- 34#
According to the height predictor, she will be 5'11" when she is 18 years old!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011

*We are still in the throws of potty training. So far we have had at least 3 pee pees in the potty, 1 1/2 poopies and some toot toots. She's getting the hang of it. Sometimes she's just fine with the whole routine and other times she doesn't want to be disturbed to go potty. (I know she will hate me when she's older for this photo)
*She is in love with bikes. Her and daddy have gone on a bike ride to the park (her other love) when the weather has been nice. She yells out "BIKE" every time she sees one.
*She is doing really well with counting and her ABCs. On occasion, I have heard her count up to eleven. Also, I have heard her say the alphabet, not always in the correct order. She will say for instance, LMNOP..... HIJK.....XYZ.

*This is first time with pig tails compliments of Auntie Suzie. As you can see, she still loves bananas.
*We've been utilizing time outs now. Her time out spot is on the steps. She sits there until she has calmed down or for about a minute. I would like to think she understands why she's there. I know she's not fond of sitting still.

*At Easter, she got to jump on a trampoline for the 1st time. She loved it!! It is Jason and Suzie's next door neighbor's trampoline. First it was "little kids" turn, then it was the "big kids" turn. After awhile, they all got in and jumped together.
Easter Time
Heidi had such a wonderful time at Easter.

She prepared for the big egg hunt a few days ahead of time. I wanted to make sure she knew what was going on and what to look for. She did a great job. We had about 9 egg hunts that day.

Eating Easter brunch with Laynie, Wyatt, McKenna and Ava. You can see she is slowly trying to steal Ava's juice pouch. She's so sneaky!

All lined up and ready to be released into the back yard to get eggs. Here they were yelling out, "EASTER!!".


"Mmmmm, what's this? Jelly beans?"

"Weeeee!" Sliding down the slide with Daddy!

Coloring Easter eggs. She was so precise on her coloring. She even put all the coloring sticks back in their box, one by one.

She prepared for the big egg hunt a few days ahead of time. I wanted to make sure she knew what was going on and what to look for. She did a great job. We had about 9 egg hunts that day.

Eating Easter brunch with Laynie, Wyatt, McKenna and Ava. You can see she is slowly trying to steal Ava's juice pouch. She's so sneaky!

All lined up and ready to be released into the back yard to get eggs. Here they were yelling out, "EASTER!!".


"Mmmmm, what's this? Jelly beans?"

"Weeeee!" Sliding down the slide with Daddy!

Coloring Easter eggs. She was so precise on her coloring. She even put all the coloring sticks back in their box, one by one.
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