Heidi has done a lot of playing out in the yard with her swimming pool and water table this summer. She loves to be outside. We've had lunch and dinner picnics too.
This cow was at the Dakota County Fair. Heidi loved the fair with all of the rides, yummy food and animals.
She even got to see baby chickens being born. She kept yelling out, "EGGS, CHICKEN!"
This was her little beetle friend. She thought he was really neat and like to watch him walk around in circles on the cup. But she did NOT like it when he got off the cup and started walking towards her.
Looking at more baby chickens at the zoo.
She got to comb a goat. She didn't mind them at all. Of course, they were in the little one's face looking for food. I think she's used to that with Zoey.
Playing in the bone yard sandbox at the zoo.
Aidan and Heidi screaming at the grizzly bears to, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"