Helping mommy make cookies. She did a great job rolling the dough into balls. She loves helping out in the kitchen, even if it's just licking the spoon!

Trying to jump up and catch the leaves. She loves the little "helicopter" seeds off the maple tree. She has a wagon full of them.

Playing at the park by Grandma and Papa's house. I thought she would be excited to play with sand toys in the sand, but instead she was super duper excited about all the white dandelions in the field.

We enrolled Heidi in a program at church called FMO (friday mornings out) It's a weekly class she goes to on friday mornings from 9:30 to 12:30. They do games, read, crafts, snack, playtime and sing/dance. She loves it. She always brings home a craft of some sort to hang on the fridge that she is so proud of. She reminds us that at school, "everybody crying, miss mommy and daddy, change a diaper" Every week we get a good report from the teachers that Heidi did a great job and had a good day at school. She even has her first backpack that she wears to and from school, it has a cute little kitty on it.

Over the summer, Heidi got a scooter from cousin, Laynie. She loves to scoot around the sidewalk and driveway on it. It also has a neat, little Dora bag on the front to hold little knicks knacks and whatnots.