**UPDATE** Heidi is now rolling all over the place. Front to back, back to front, she's a crazy little roller.
...Sit up! But I do sometimes lose my balance and fall. My boppy pillow helps me on the days I'm a bit tipsy from all of those new foods that Mommy mixes up for me to eat. Bananas rock!

I also flip over on to my stomach but I haven't quite figured out how to flip over to my back.

Daddy takes a lot of pictures of me. But that is OK, I do not mind.

Check out my sweet fuzzy REI winter hat. It is the Beez Neez. It keeps my noggin warm.

I also flip over on to my stomach but I haven't quite figured out how to flip over to my back.

Daddy takes a lot of pictures of me. But that is OK, I do not mind.

Check out my sweet fuzzy REI winter hat. It is the Beez Neez. It keeps my noggin warm.

We love her new hat!!
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