We still can't believe that our sweet, little peanut is going to be ONE this Thursday. It was a year ago today that I started going into labor with her and counting contractions, waiting for her arrival.
We have enjoyed watching her grow, learn many new things, eat all sorts of different foods, adventure to many different parks and places, met all sorts of new friends and to think, the best is yet to come! How lucky are we?
We are excited for her to take her first steps into toddler-hood. They are coming soon, she has already taken 1/2 steppies to and from furniture, so she's well on her way. Such a big girl!!
It had been a blast being her mommy and daddy, what a wonderful and rewarding job we get to do everyday with this beautiful and happy child.
We are also excited to celebrate this milestone with our friends and family at her upcoming birthday party.
Here's to Heidi, her first birthday and many, many more to come!!
We love you!!
Happy birthday Heidi!
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