*We have started potty training. I have been slowly introducing her to the potty. It has been out for weeks now. She's been sitting on it, hiding things in the potty part of it and using it as a step stool. But just this past weekend it was; diaper off, sit and potty. Just before bath time, while the water is running, was when I was hoping that the sounds would invoke a little pee pee action. Not yet, we're just starting, so I will keep you informed on "Potty Watch 2010".
*She recently started sleeping with a big girl pillow. So far, so good. I think she enjoys it.
*She got a new push lawnmower. Mommy quickly regretted the decision to get that. It's loud, it plays music, it roars like a real lawnmower, but all of that doesn't matter because she loves it!!
*Her new word that she loves to yell out is "MAMA!"
*We start swimming lessons on Sunday. It's through the community at one of the local middle schools. I know she will do great since she loved the pool up north.
*We went to a little Mnpls bookstore called The Wild Rumpus. It's this neat little nook that has all sorts of animals (chickens, cats, chincillas, ferrets, tarantulas, birds) and story time. She loved it! She was right in the middle of everyone during story time. She doesn't sit still (yet!) so I figured, "what the heck, let her check things out". We picked up a new book that day called, "Children make terrible pets".

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